Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Online Gaming – Xbox Live

Currently, Microsoft is preparing to further extend the Xbox Live service to the Microsoft mobile platforms including mobile phones and also handhelds as component of their total domination plan in their Live Anywhere initiative. Microsoft is actually driven to follow up with expansions of the service due to the popularity of this gaming service.

Since 2006, Xbox Live has actually been extremely successful. The data that Microsoft gathered was actually that more than half of the gamers which purchased the console also used their service. Regarding 85 % of those which bought gaming consoles also made use of the gaming console to download exclusive content coming from the online marketplace. The service has actually also been used as a social network tool along with chat, voice chat and video chat abilities.

Xbox Live is actually an online gaming service created and also operated by the IT industry giant Microsoft Corporation. Since the release of the popular video gaming console Xbox, there has been actually a constant increase in the number of games and also subscribers to Xbox. Currently, it is the only online gaming service based on consoles that charges fees to users, to allow them to engage in multiplayer gaming. The Xbox system was launched in 2002 and an updated version in the Xbox 360 console was made available in 2005. In 2007, the service was expanded on Windows platforms and also allowed Windows machines to connect to the Xbox Live video gaming community.

The popularity of Xbox Live allowed this gaming service to build up around 30 million subscribers in which 10 % or 3 million are constantly active at any moment. The large user base is another benefit this video gaming service offers, as there are plenty of competitive players to have matches with 24 7.
The boom has generated several off-shoot projects for Microsoft and also third-party developers and manufacturers. Certainly there have been actually plenty of devices that were actually made based upon Xbox Live games that are essential to the gaming experience like the Xbox rapid fire controller which allows the user to fire their weapons at a much faster rate than the usual controller.

With the continuous growth and increase popularity of Xbox Live video gaming services, Microsoft has actually become identified to completely develop itself as a one-stop shop for the online needs of people. Among the latest developments enables users to listen to music while playing a game via the XMB.
Due to the success of the Guitar Hero game, certainly there are lots of game developers who are integrating a multiplayer feature into to their games that needs access from the gaming service. For the developers of Halo, Call of Duty and also Gears of War series, it has actually become a good move as they have become the top Xbox Live video gaming series to date. Rest assured, 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Mining Gold World of Warcraft

What's up guy and girl players of World of War craft? Taro here bringing you the forth video of my Mining Gold Making Series - Twilight Highlands! For more FREE Wow guides, read this article. I'm going to show you how to make good gold with Mining in Twilight Highlands by farming up Elementium and Pyrite Ore. This is part of my Mining Gold Making Series so check my website for other zones and for leveling Mining to 525.To get started, you'll need to have 525 Mining and be at least level 80+ along with Azerothflying.

Although, being 82-83+ is ideal since mobs can literally one-shot you as an 80.You'll also want to download the add-ons Gatherer or Gathermate2, Routes, and have a Mining bag or a mostly empty inventory. Also, make sure you have one regular bag to collect all your gems or items from killing mobs and that there mostly empty. Lastly, be repaired, have some food/water, blare some music, and have fun! To get to Twilight Highlands just take the port in your faction's major city or fly to nearby zone like Aretha Highlands and fly over.

Once in Twilight Highlands, start on the route I put on my map or unhide the route I've given you with my custom Routes add-on while hiding the other routes. To get these preloaded routes, check the video I have linked at the end or check my website. Ok so, I'll be on this route for 30 minutes which should give you a good idea as to what you can get with Mining in Twilight Highlands.

The routes I've come up with for here are pretty good for Mining even with some competition and I'll be using the medium length route. I have a short and long one as when that can help with different situations. I typically like the short one for low comp and long one for high. There were about seven other people farming ore which told me that 4pm wasn't an ideal time at for Twilight Highlands. Most Mining nodes are away from mobs and so agro shouldn't be a problem for any 85. Any others you can CC the mob, loot the node, and then kill it or simply de-agro it and fly away.

It's important to loot the node first though so you don't have to worry about any other Miners stealing your nodes. Because trust me, they will steal them. Pyrite Ore is very plentiful here in Twilight Highlands and you should find a lot of it while farming. Although, luck was not on my side this run and I found hardly any. Which is very unusual? I could blame it on all competition I had but, I prefer to blame it on luck. RichElementium made up for the lack of Pyrite Ore slightly but... overall this run could'vebeen better.Since this zone is pretty competitive, it helps to farm early morning or very late atnight Sunday through Thursday on most servers.

Especially check Hardened Elementium Bars and Prim Bars, since they seem to make profit by just buying the mats and smelting them as of Patch 4.1. If you have any questions, ask away in the comments. Well, that's it for the forth video of my Mining Gold Making Series - "Twilight Highlands “and I hope you liked it. Please subscribe and visit for more FREE Wow guides, wow gold hack, and news! Thanks for watching^^!"Now Go Mine Some Bank or Something!"

You can also try farming doing raid time if say you didn't get in the raid that night or are a Paper and don't raid at all anyway. This is usually 7pm to 10pm on most servers but, tailor anything I say to your specific server since it can be different. This is definitely on the low side and you should expect better results if farming during off-peak, being level 85, and having decent luck. Also, keep in mind these are prices for my server so to see how yours would have done, check the Auction House and plug in the prices. I did have about 7 people mining so expect better numbers if you're alone in the zone or just have a few other people mining with you. You can also try and get a little more out of it by smelting bars if they're more gold.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


This is a game about war. War is about politics, and to bring it full circle, politics happening video games all the time. Sixteen years ago, in fact...politics led to a problem that has since become so ingrained in the industry, it’s become the reality. A reality we’ve been describing since 1996 with the same tired sentence. Third-party publishers don’t support Nintendo. Of course, with that reality in mind, the importance of this game becomes even more evident.

And you start to understand why Nintendo really wanted this on the Wiki U. So much so that they courted Activision like an awkward teenage boy standing next to a cute girl’s locker. Oh, you want a Classic Controller? Anything for you, baby! Just please go to the dance with me! And just like a Molly Ringwood movie, this story has a happy ending. Because Black Ops2 is a Wiki U launch title. And surprisingly, the two are actually dancing.

 That is to say...step for step, move for move, bullet for bullet, this is Black Ops 2. It’s not some watered-down Nintendo port, and in fact, it actually has some advantages. Obviously, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 is a follow-up to the 2010 original. Which is follow-up to domination, which is what Call of Duty has for all intents and purposes become? It’s one of the biggest names in gaming, and Black Ops 2 delivers on its pedigree. This alone makes it one of the Wiki U’s best launch titles.

And if this is a sign of third-party support to come...Black Ops 2 tells a story that spans decades, jumping from the Cold War to the year 2025.Now, and story is hardly this game’s selling point, but I was pleasantly surprised by how much I cared. Because the story spans such a long time, you see it through the eyes of generations of soldiers, which gives the narrative surprising impact. Add an interesting villain, and the story is anything but an afterthought. And the game it self’s not an afterthought, either.

Again, Black Ops 2 is just about the same on the Wiki U as the 360 and PS3, in terms of both graphics and content. In fact, the only things this one is missing are the social features for live streaming and Elite functionality. Everything else is intact, from the campaign to the zombies to the multiplayer...which, by the way, runs just fine on the Wiki Using fact, to its credit, online is where the Wiki U version makes up ground. Using your Gamepad, you can use the touch screen to quickly do things like call in score streaks and switch classes.

And if you’re doing split-screen online, you actually don’t have to split the screen. One player can have the TV screen, and the other can play on the Gamepad. Infect, you can play the entire game on the Gamepad, which means your friends can go ahead and watch My Little Pony while you shoot people in the face.

Finally, the roommate wars over TV time may abate. And you know, maybe this game is a sign that other struggles are ending, too. It’s promising that the Wiki U is launching not only with Nintendo’s heavy hitter in Super Mario, but also some of the biggest names...from third-party publishers. None bigger or better than Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. Enjoy the latest fun of Call Of Duty Strike Team Hack.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

A Taste of Medal of Honor: Airborne for Xbox One

Medal of Honor used to be the benchmark that all other FPS games were measured by. After all, it introduced us to a cinematic and action-packed look at how horrible war could be, but after a while, other games came along that took some of the spotlight away. Call of Duty 2became the go-to World War 2 shooters, and it was time for some innovation to be injected into the Medal of Honor formula. Fortunately, what EA came up with worked extremely well, as the game I have today is one of the best World War 2 games in a long time.

This is Medal of Honor: Airborne for the Xbox 360.Medal of Honor: Airborne puts you in control of an airborne soldier in the US Army as you battle the Germans in various locations throughout World War 2. The levels start out with a mission briefing from your superior about what your objective will be, followed by a jump out of a plane, where you then look for green smoke, as this is a signal for a safe area to land. After touching down, you can complete objectives in whatever way makes sense to you. The presentation feels really unique compared to the standard “opening of the eyes” to see where you happen to be that most World War 2 shooters like to do.

As far as actual gameplay goes after landing, Medal of Honor: Airborne isn’t a huge departure from other games in the genre, but it’s refined to a level few can reach. The ability to go after any objective you want means the game’s AI has to keep up with you and react accordingly, and it does so very well. You might storm a building to complete an objective and then travel across the map to do something else, and your allies will keep pace. I was even pinned down on a roof at one point and I saw a few people land next to me and takeout the enemy. Its tremendous when dynamic stuff like this happens. If there’s one area that may take a little getting used to for people used to other shooters, it’s the control scheme. Medal of Honor: Airborne has an extremely weird default button mapping, and there are only a few options to change. The A button reloads, B changes weapons, X is crouch, and Y is jump.

For someone who’s used to all four of those buttons doing something else in most games, it was a little odd to adjust to, but I did adjust eventually. Guns also have quite a bit more recoil than other World War 2 games, probably to add realism, but this means that you’ll actually fire from the hip a lot more than you’d think. Something about it just works for closer range engagements. I was a tad disappointed with the graphics in Airborne. Although faces and levels look ok, effects like explosions or environmental damage in cut-scenes looked a little bit dated. Voice acting was excellent, though, and the game also has the usual great music that the series is known for. The songs are almost as well known as the Band of Brothers music, and that’s probably one reason why the composer is now doing being budget Hollywood movies.

Medal of Honor: Airborne offers something different from the traditional World War 2shooter, and although the game has a few little technical flaws, it is a TON of fun. I kind of wish the series would’ve kept going in this direction, instead of trying to capture the Modern era crown that another series has already won.